Sep. 22, 2021

Some small Testimonies

Something small that came to me while I was sitting in church- just like a seed needs water and sunlight to grow, a spiritual seed God places in us needs light (truth) and the living water to grow.

Something else- my mom had a miscarriage before she had me, so I have a brother in heaven whom I have never met!

Another thing that happened: Someone at my church claimed to have seen an angel during the service-- a big one, at least 10 feet tall. It was probably capable of destroying an entire army, but it was down on it knees before God up in front at the altar!

A fourth thing- I was at work and was leaving for the day with a co-worker. He got into his car and tried to start it but it would not start. I felt like I should lay my hands on the hood and command it to start so I did and instantly it started!

A fifth thing- the freezer died at my parent's house and I felt that I should lay my hands on it and command it to work again. I did that and it clicked and the compressor came on and it started working again! It has been several years and it is still working fine! This happened right in front of my mother who is not saved!

I was concerned that I might be getting "too salty". I got to thinking, what is the cure for getting too salty? If you examine the situation of the dead sea- the river jordan is flowing into it but nothing is flowing out, so the salt concentration goes up and up until it gets saturated and nothing can live in it, hence the name "dead sea". I believe the cure for getting "too salty" is to let God's power flow out of us and for us to bless others, for example if water was flowing out of the dead sea the salt concentration would go down and it would no longer be "dead". 

Jesus is the sun (Son), we are the moon. Truth (light) comes from Him, and reflects off of us.

The hotter something is the more light it emits- a hot coal is hot enough to emit red light, while a lightning bolt is hot enough to glow blue or white. Like this the hotter we are for God the more truth (light) will come out of us, and the more darkness we will dispel around us!

Electricity always follows the path of least resistance. Like this, God's power follows the path of least resistance to Him.

I was in worship last sunday and saw the people in front of me raise their hands before God and a thought came to me, just like in a thunderstorm if you raise your hands you are more likely to be struck by lighting (or if you hold up something like a golf club), you are also more likely to get “struck” with God's power if you raise your hands in surrender to God and His presence is thick enough, like a cloud!

Something else came to me the other day at church when I saw the people in front of me raise their hands before God. Just like a TV has “rabbit ears” to give it better reception, we also get better “reception” in the Spirit when we raise our hands to God in surrender!

Something that came to me the other day: it had to do with trees. If a tree grows too tall and becomes top heavy it will inevitably snap in half and collapse under it's own weight, just like what we will do if we become too tall and exalt ourselves. Also if we exalt ourselves in this manner we become more vulnerable when the wind and rain come and may get blown over! The scripture says "Pride goeth before a fall". The taller we get the stronger our root system must be, we must be properly rooted in Christ or we will collapse if we try to grow in our faith without Him.

Once our roots go deep enough in Christ we will access the fountain of living water (the aquifer – an unlimited supply of water) and will never thirst again!

Something else that came to me: Just like a Christian becoming a “dead sea” if they become too salty, a rechargeable battery can be overcharged and lead to decreased capability or battery failure.

Something else that came to me- light (truth) can start a fire (a revival ) if it is properly focused, just like sunlight passing through a magnifying glass.

A Christian is a salt shaker! We are a vessel, we have salt inside of us. When we are shaken salt comes out of us!